Tuesday, July 21, 2009

PimpMyNews Scheduled Downtime Today, We're Upgrading!

We're continually looking for ways to increase the speed of our service for you, our valued users.

Today, from about 12 pm to 2 pm eastern time, we'll be taking the service off line to make some performance enhancements.

So, if you find that the service is unavailable today, please rest assured that it will be back online shortly.

Thanks for listening with PimpMyNews, and please tell your friends about us.

The PimpMyNews Team

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Macworld Magazine Features PimpMyNews

If you follow this blog, you probably saw our post about Macworld's online review of PimpMyNews in May.

To our surprise, we just learned that Macworld just published a review of PimpMyNews in their August 2009 print magazine. Since the review appears to only be available in hard copy, we've published it below.

Here's the MacWorld Review by Ben Boychuk:

"Here's an innovative reader that actually does the reading for you. The highly customizable, though unfortunately named, PimpMyNews let's you create "playlists" of blog items, or news stories, from more than 1,200 sources.

The app then reads them aloud on the fly in an almost lifelike voice. The personalized daily podcast, featuring a 10 minute round up of your 10 favorite feeds is particularly appealing."


On another note, please stay tuned for upcoming news about a new product we're launching to make it even easier for you to get current, and get things done, on the go.

Thanks for listening with PimpMyNews, and please tell your friends about us.