Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day: A Real Reason To Celebrate

To honor our military servicemen this Memorial Day weekend, we asked Trish Forant to write a guest post for the PimpMyNews blog. Trish is the president of , a popular service that connects ordinary people like you and me, with members of our armed forces.

To remind others of the real meaning of Memorial Day, please share this post by clicking the envelope icon.

A big "THANKS" to the members of our armed forces, and "Thank You," Trish!

Here's Trish' post:
Throughout our history, we have been blessed by the courage and commitment of Americans who were willing to pay the price of their tomorrows. They have fought and died for our freedom, and have kept us sleeping secure each night in safety.

Every one of them, from all different backgrounds, races and religions, no matter what battlefield they died on, every one, helped to build this strong nation we love. I'm proud to be an American and I don't take my freedom for granted.

The great German poet, Goethe, said to his generation:

"What you have inherited from your fathers, earn over again for yourselves, or it will not be yours."

We inherited freedom. We seem unaware that freedom has to be remade, and re-earned in each generation of man. As you spend this Memorial Day weekend with your family and friends, remember those who came before you and paid the ultimate price, paving the way for the freedoms we enjoy.

Take a moment at 3:00 pm eastern today, Memorial Day, to pause for a National Moment of Remembrance.

If you'd like to thank a veteran, or connect with a military service member one on one, but don't know one personally, stop by the projects page to learn how you can get involved.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Scoble is "Shocked How Many Like PimpMyNews"

Just yesterday, in FastCompany magazine, Robert Scoble and his Twitter followers named PimpMyNews a favorite iPhone application, ranking #2 to Google Reader, in the news category.

While on Twitter today, we spoke (or should we say, "tweeted") with Robert about the accolade, and we loved his response so much, we just had to post it here on the PimpMyNews Blog.

Here's the transcript from Twitter:

John: "Scobleizer, great FastCompany iPhone story - We're glad your fans like PimpMyNews! Big things in the works. We would love to share the vision with you."

Robert Scoble: "I was shocked how many people like PimpMyNews. Would love to hear more."

John: "We're shocked too! It is taking off - since December, People from 154 countries have used PimpMyNews (80% from the US, 86% on mobile devices)"

John: "We've made a lot of enhancements based on early adopter feedback - Could you ask your fans to send me theirs?"

See the image of the conversation on Twitter below. We're looking forward to sharing our vision with Robert Scoble, and we'll do a blog post of the conversation to keep you in the loop.

Thanks for listening with PimpMyNews, and keep the feedback coming! Oh, and be sure to follow us on Twitter here:

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Robert Scoble Names PimpMyNews "A Favorite iPhone App"

Since our December launch, we've been lucky to have received lots of positive coverage from the blogosphere, but this one really took us by surprise, in a very good way.

Regarded by many in the tech industry as "the man with his finger on the pulse of early adopters," when A-List Blogger Robert Scoble talks, a lot of people, including us, listen.

In the June issue of FastCompany magazine, the great "Scobleizer" gives a full run down on the iPhone application he loves, in a story titled "Star-Spangled iPhone." These are the killer apps that, as he puts it, "add skyrockets to your 'genius'" phone.

Scoble and Fans Weigh in on Mobile News Apps

Before writing the story, Robert asked the 18,000+ early adopters following him on Twitter to chime in on their favorite iPhone apps.

In the "news" category, Robert and his followers named the iPhone-optimized version of PimpMyNews their second favorite application. Second only to mega-popular Google Reader.

Considering that there are more than 1,500 applications listed on, we're pleased... no, to be honest, we're pinching ourselves, to share the leader board with Google.

Here's an excerpt from Scoble's FastCompany story:

"I am still a Google Reader addict, and so are many of my fans. Reader was mentioned in my poll more than any other app. Another one that came up often was , which turns text blogs into MP3 audio files, so you can listen on the go." (the iPhone/iTouch version can be accessed at )

Robert also mentions his, and Steve Rubel's, fondness for sports news application, which he describes as "quite good."

Check out the full story on FastCompany's website: []

You can also check out Robert Scoble at

A Message to Robert: If you're reading this, or listening to this on PimpMyNews, we'd love to share our much larger vision with you. We're good guys, rapidly building a new media platform for the future, based on user feedback.

Thanks to everyone for listening with PimpMyNews, and please tell your friends about us. And, keep your feedback coming to:

Co-founder & CEO

About PimpMyNews
PimpMyNews makes your favorite news & blogs TALK, so you can get current by listening, anytime, anywhere. It continuously scans the web for breaking stories, and converts them to audio, so you can listen on your computer, or, on-the-go on your iPhone, iPod, or any MP3 player.

Get current, save time, and listen on-the-go with PimpMyNews.

>Create your personalized account on your Mac or PC at:

>Access the iPhone/iTouch app at: